Sunday, October 9, 2011

Procedure text

How to plant a small tree

Materials ( you will need ) :
-         Tree.
-         String.
-         Spade.
-         Fork.
-         Wooden.
-         Hammer.
-         Compost or well-rotted manure.
-         Granular fertilizer.
-         Mulch or bark chippings.

Steps ( how to do it ) :
Make a circle with a diameter of about 1 meter, mark the center with a wooden. Cut around the perimeter of the circle with a spade. Carefully remove the turf to a depth of 5cm by sliding the blade of the spade under the grass.
2.  Remove the soil from the hole to the depth of the tree. Fork over the base of the hole to break up any compacted areas of soil. This will also allow the roots to work their way more easily through the soil to anchor the tree.          
3.  Return the tree to the hole and place a piece of wood across the centre of the hole. This should meet the base of the trunk where the trunk and compost join to ensure the tree is planted at the right depth.
4.  Add a handful of granular fertiliser to the planting hole. Mix some well-rotted manure or compost with the soil previously removed from the hole.
5.  After trees were planted, were given water every day, and put in place that gets sunlight for trees to grow and perform photosynthesis.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Report text - Lightning


Lightning or thunder is a blinding light in the sky which usually occurs during the rainy season, followed by a thundering sound called thunder. Lightning is a natural phenomena that could be analogous to the large capacitor, which consists of the first layer of clouds (can be charged negative or positive) and the second layer of the earth (neutral). Capacitors are passive electrical components that can store energy for a moment.
Lightning is caused by electrons from the clouds above the roof of the building, then induced a positive charge. Thunderstorms can occur because there is the potential difference between cloud and ground or cloud to cloud a different charge. Charge cloud occurs because clouds move on a regular basis and interacting with other clouds, so the negative charges gather at the top or bottom of the cloud and positive charge on the reverse side. If the potential difference between the cloud and the earth is large, then disposal of electrons occurs in order to be balanced. Electrons are discharged through the air. When the electrons can penetrate the insulating air boundary then an explosion of sound. Thunderstorms frequently occur during the rainy season because the air contains a higher water content, so that the insulation down and current flows easier. There is a cloud of negative charged and there is a positive, then the lightning can happen between clouds of different charge.

           Humans always try to avoid themselves from lightning strikes. So there are several ways to protect yourself and the environment from lightning strikes. One way to use a lightning rod. Electrons jump from the cloud through the lightning rod and into the ground, usually lightning rod used in offices, homes, and buildings

Thursday, September 8, 2011

penyakit pada ginjal dan hati

Macam-macam penyakit pada ginjal dan hati.
Nama penyakit
Cara pengobatan
Diabetes Mellitus.
 *Gangguan metabolisme 
   karbohidrat, lemak, dan
 *Defisiensi sekresi hormon insulin,
   aktivitas insulin (bisa keduanya).
*Defisiensi  transporter glukosa.
*Pengaturan makan.
*Obat dosis tunggal.
*Obat Hiplogikemik Oral.
*Memakai insulin.                 
*Memakai insulin (DMTI)
   dosis ganda.
Batu ginjal.
*Endapan garam kalsium dalam
   ginjal, sehingga menghambat
   keluarnya urine dan
   menimbulkan rasa nyeri.
*Sinar laser.
Radang ginjal (Nefritis).
*Kerusakan nefron, tepatnya  
   glomerulus yang disebabkan
   infeksi bakteri.
*Melakukan cangkokan
*Cuci darah secara rutin.
Gagal ginjal.
*Salah satu ginjal tidak berfungsi,
   sehingga ginjal yang lain
   mengambil alih pekerjaan ginjal
   yang gagal.
*Melakukan cangkok ginjal.
*Menggunakan ginjal 
   tiruan sampai ginjal yang
   asli kembali berfungsi.
Sirosis hati.
*Minuman keras.
*Hepatitis B.
*Hepatitis C.
*Gemuk penyakit hati.
*Mengurangi konsumsi
   alkohol, tetapi bukan
   mengkonsumsi kopi
   dengan jumlah yang
*Toxin (racun), seperti kimia atau
   obat ataupun penyebab infeksi.

6a. Virus hepatitis A.
*Buruknya tingkat kebersihan
   (penyebarannya bisa melalui
   air dan makanan)

6b. Virus hepatitis B.

*Menggunakan jarum suntik
*Atau di antara mitra seksual ( baik
  heteroseksual maupun pria
  (ditularkan melalui darah).
*Pengobatan oral                       
  ( menggunakan obat).

6c. Virus hepatitis C.
*Transfusi darah (ditularkan  
   melalui pemakaian jarum suntik
*pemberian obat seperti
   Interferon alfa, Pegylated
   interferon alfa dan 

6d. Virus hepatitis D.
*Infeksi dari virus hepatitis B.

6e. Virus hepatitis E.
*Hampir menyerupai penyebab
   virus hepatitis A. 
Penyakit Wilson.
*Timbunan tembaga (cuprum)
   yang berlebihan di dalam tubuh.
*Penisilamin dan Trientin
*Diet rendah tembaga.
*Transplatasi hati.

Salah  satu gambar dari penyakit pada ginjal dan hati :
1. Diabetes Mellitus.
1.    2. Batu ginjal.

   3. Sirosis hati.

4. Virus hepatitis B.